How to choose your specialty

 No one denies that the process of choosing a university major and career path is often stressful and arduous, as many consider it a fateful step that will affect their future for the rest of their lives. The major you choose may not necessarily lead you to the job of a lifetime. However, you will spend a lot of time studying this major, so you need to learn how to choose the right major for you before committing to it for a few years.

How to choose your specialty

What is the university specialty?

A university major, also known as an undergraduate course, is the field of study you choose at university, which includes general subjects required at university as well as majors in specific fields, such as chemistry, comparative literature or political science.

- Know your interests and values before choosing a specialty.

You've probably heard the saying: "What you love to do, you'll be good at." If you love something, why not learn more about it so you can earn a decent income and make a living?

Not only that, but even if you haven't discovered your passion yet, you can at least use your interest to study the major that suits you.

For example, a person who believes in the environment and the need to protect livestock will find that when choosing a major it will be closer to what he believes in, such as agricultural engineering or alternative and renewable energy, and away from majors that conflict with his values, such as chemical engineering or nuclear engineering, which harm the environment.

2- Evaluation of competence and personal skills

Efficiency refers to everything one can do. The competencies that influence the process of choosing a university major can be divided into two main categories

Personal competence.

It is the competence you possess in a specific field. Knowing the areas in which you excel will definitely help you make the right decision when choosing a university major.

However, this does not mean that you should exclude all specialties that require skills that you lack. The key here is to stay away from majors you know you're not good at.

For example, if you were not good at mathematics in pre-university, choosing a mathematics-like major (or any other major that requires advanced mathematics skills) is definitely a bad choice.

You can take the Foroh Personality Analysis Test to get an idea of your personal abilities and skills to help you choose a university major.

3- Future work possibilities.

When choosing a university major, it is always important to think about future work possibilities. After all, everyone wants to obtain a certificate that will help them enter the labor market and obtain a prestigious job.

For example, if you decide to work in the diplomatic field, there is no doubt that you will choose a specialty close to this field, such as political science or international relations. You will not consider majors such as medicine or graphic design because they are too far from the field you desire. Before choosing a major, always ask yourself the following questions about job opportunities

Is there a job market for this specialty?

In other words, will it be easy to find a job in your field or a similar field after college? To avoid disappointment due to the lack of suitable job opportunities, choose a general specialty that allows you to work in more than one field. Very specific specialization can be a future step if you decide to obtain a master's or doctorate degree in this field.

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