How to start learning a new language

 Learning a new language is an enjoyable and highly rewarding experience, but you may sometimes face resistance from your brain during the process of learning new things! Here are some useful tips to get your brain to cooperate with you in learning a new language quickly:

How to start learning a new language

Give yourself a sense of urgency

Many language students complain about the lack of time to learn a new language. You may need to take a language test, and you may have a daily study schedule, but you may find that after a few hours of studying, your brain starts to refuse to study further because it gets bored.

One of the best ways to avoid this problem is to take a real or digital language course or workshop to learn the language or chat with other people. The key is to engage with other people, such as professors and colleagues, who will give you a sense of responsibility for completing your goals and developing your language skills. Committing to a class will give you a feeling of pressure, which will speed up your learning process.

Track your progress and share it with others

Have you thought about recording your voice while reading to monitor the progress of your reading and pronunciation performance? Or have you ever thought about sharing part of your work on social media in the language you're learning so you can come back weeks or months later to compare it with your performance? Don't forget that social media has a large community of people just like you who want to learn a new language, and you can share your language development or practice with them.

Personalize the learning process

Our brains tend to forget things that we consider unimportant or uninteresting. When learning a new language, it can be difficult for your brain to remember the new vocabulary you have to learn every day. The secret to solving this problem is to convince your brain that the words you remember are essential and rich in meanings that are personally important to you. Use your photos or personal belongings to remember the meanings of different words and vocabulary, and download apps like Quizlet or Anki App, which allow you to add words to your own pictures and use them as flash cards.

Choose the word you want to remember

Instead of memorizing a new vocabulary list, start by choosing words that interest you or are relevant to your life, experiences, and relationships.

Use the new vocabulary you learn to write about yourself, your experiences, feelings and opinions. What you read in books is the starting point for learning, and the goal is to be able to express yourself in a practical and natural way using the vocabulary you learn. Instead of trying to memorize dozens of words every day, use repetition techniques to review new words over and over over the course of weeks or months to remind your brain of the language before you forget it.

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